The Power of Unity
Because of the unity and conviction that the early disciples have they have great power. The question for us is what did they use that power for? What does the Bible say they did with their power?
As we reflect on Acts 4:32-27 the first thing that we see the early believers using their power for is to continue to testify to the resurrection of Jesus. Remember, they have constantly been under pressure from authorities, been jailed, threatened with punishment, etc. so it would have been understandable had they used their power in other ways. Despite the pressure, they continued to testify to the resurrection of Christ and talk about how it has impacted their lives. They went on proclaiming the truth of Christ to everyone around them.
The second areas where they used their power was to meet needs. God was using them to be gracious and bless others. Quite simply, they were blessed to be a blessing. They were using what they had to meet the needs of others (no doubt meeting the request of the Law that there be no poor among them - Deut. 15:4). We are told that they exercise their power to such a degree that there was "no needy person among them." What we are to understand is that because of first century Christians there were none the were hungry or in need of anything. Now let's be clear - it doesn't say that they met all wants. No, they met needs. Everyone had their basic needs met.
Because of their unity the church is able to exercise power in a huge way. This power doesn't go wasted on political or ideological practices. The city expanded the church, both by PROCLAIMING the Word of God and PRACTICING the Word of God in their life by blessing others.
In our last installment on the unity seen in Acts 4:32-47 we'll look at the results of unity.