2 Timothy 1:9 NRSV
Ever mess up? I mean really mess up? Every one of us have made mistakes. In my opinion, the worst kind of mistake you can make is one that causes a disruption in a relationship. Maybe it was a joke that you didn’t mean to be an insult, but it was taken that way. Maybe it was an accidental slight that you never intended. Perhaps it was even a situation where you lost your temper over a legitimate issue, but you know you shouldn’t have. Whatever it was, it’s hard to look a person in the eye once we have done something to put a strain on the relationship.
The same thing happens with our relationship with God. We put a strain on that relationship when we don’t take the opportunity to pray, read our Bible, or even serve one another. Like with people, it can be hard to “look God in the eye” again knowing we have done something to break that relationship.
The good news comes in one word: grace. When we wrong a friend, but they forgive us. When we accidentally slight a family member, but they forgive us. When we blow up at our spouse, they extend grace and forgive us! God does the same thing. Here in 2 Timothy 1:9, in Paul’s letter to his friend Timothy, he reminds us that grace was given by God in the person and work of Jesus Christ. We are able to confidently “look God in the eye” knowing that He loves us and extends us grace, regardless of the circumstance. When we seek forgiveness, God is there to give it to us.
Today, seek to strengthen not strain your relationship with God. Perhaps something will happen that will strain that relationship. If it does, remember that God stands ready to give grace to you!