This isn’t developing well.
Moses pleads with God to go with them to the promised land. Moses knows better God doesn’t come with them there’ll be all kinds of calamity and they will not be protected. In summary, Moses knows he can’t be led successfully without God.
I wonder how many of us go day-to-day without being led by God. We make little decisions and even large decisions without thinking about our calling and where God is leading us. Hopefully Moses doesn’t understand something that we don’t–that even if were heading someplace we believe is good and positive, without God there will never be success.
Think of one decision that you need to make in the next month and begin praying and asking God to be a part of that decision. Find Scripture that relates to that decision, get input from other Christians that can help with that decision, pray for God to open your eyes to solutions or aspects of the problem or decision that your facing.
Never be led without God–it doesn’t really lead anywhere.