1 Peter 1:13 NASB
A new year presents new opportunities. As Christians, perhaps the most important area in our lives that we have new opportunities in is our spiritual lives. Think with me for a minute . . . how would you characterize your spiritual life in the past year (2019)? More specifically, what was the focus of your spiritual life. Many are focused on being “moral people.” This isn’t a bad thing. Our character should reflect the character of God. Our striving to be moral people, though, shouldn’t be the focus of our lives. We must remember, you can be moral and not be a follower of Jesus.
Here in 1 Peter 1:13 Peter gives his readers a reminder. The reminder is that our focus needs to be fixed on God’s grace. This is in opposition to our focus being fixed on our own ability to be moral people and people who “do the right thing.” We must recognize that our right actions are no fitting replacement for God’s actions in the world through the person and work of Jesus Christ.
So in this new year, starting today, allow yourselves to focus in on God’s grace. Allow God’s grace to be the narrative for your life.