Some truths are difficult to hear. Some truths are difficult, but other truths - whew! - they are downright painful to deal with. Critique my clothes - fine (I’m not exactly a stylish dresser); but critique my parenting style, well, now I’m getting worked up! The truth is (maybe this is difficult :) we need to be mature enough to take and hear healthy and productive criticism in our lives. Sometimes hearing a healthy truth can be the difference between success and failure in a particular aspect of our lives.
Here in 1 John 5:12 John has a tough truth to teach his community. There were some in his community that simply did not believe that you need to believe in Jesus in order to have eternal life. The truth is tough: “whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” To our ears, in our culture, this sounds exclusionary - but it is a tough truth. It doesn’t mean everyone has to go to Trinity Lutheran Church or even be Lutheran! What it does mean is that one must believe in Christ and live as He did (1 John 2:3-11). If you reject Christ, there is no life.
Share Christ with someone today; give them the Good News of God’s love for them!