Often, I wonder what one person can do. How much impact can one person make on the world? There are famous names that we all recognize who have changed the world we live in. These people are often referred to as “change agents.” Change agents are famous because they question the status-quo and bring much needed transformation to their own particular specialty or situation. Without these people we wouldn’t have the Voting Rights Acts, the Civil Rights act, or the Emancipation Proclamation. Can you imagine life without these earth-shattering changes in our world?
While many make a significant difference in our material world, we also need to consider our spiritual world as well. Here in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians Paul writes about the one person that is a change agent in both our spiritual and material world: Jesus Christ. Even though we all experience death and pain, we are guaranteed to have life restored to us through Jesus Christ. All have died, but all will be made alive in and through Christ. True change - a change from life to death - is only found in Jesus Christ.
Changing a person’s life is a profound thing. Perhaps the only more profound thing is having your own life changed. This is what happens in Jesus Christ - we have new life. As we go throughout our day and week let’s not let this profound fact be lost in the busyness of our lives.