What is a virtue? A dictionary definition reveals that a virtue is “a trait or quality that is deemed to be morally good and is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being.” Classical virtues are traits like temperance, prudence, courage, and justice. To be a virtuous person is to live out these virtues in your everyday life. Being virtuous is one of the calling cards of a Christian. We model Christ to the world through our virtuous behavior. To be sure, the work of Christ saves. Our virtuous behavior grows in thankfulness out of that work.
Here in Romans 12:12 Paul adds some virtues for his listeners/readers: joy, patience, and faithfulness. Throughout our Christian experience we are called to engender and live out joy, patience, and faithfulness is our lives. Wanting us to be “salt and light,” Paul says that by being joyful, patient, and faithful in our lives we can be difference-makers in the world. Our virtuous Christian behavior brings the work of Christ to the forefront of our world.
Today, consider your behavior. Consider it not as a something that earns you salvation as Christ has already accomplished that. Consider it as a tool that sheds light on and brings Christ’s work on the cross to the forefront of our reality. We can make a difference because Christ already has!