We all like our independence, myself included. If you want to see how much we like independence, just look at the traffic problems we have in urban areas around the country. No one likes to carpool - we like our own rides, radio, and schedules. It’s not that we don’t like each other, we just like our own freedom more. This freedom is part of the American spirit. We are a free people and, for the most part, allowed to do what we want to do.
While we are American, we are Christian first. Our Christian heritage takes precedent over our American heritage. Here in Romans 12:4-5, Paul teaches that we belong to each other. What this means is that none of us are independent. We were created to live in community and be responsible to one another. One or two people aren’t allowed to go their own direction in the church while disregarding the rest. This is an important principle whether you are in a church or a business. Organizations stay on task when they are working together and responsible to one another for getting things done. This applies to the church. We may all be different people with different gifts, but we “belong” to one another; we are responsible to one another.
As a church council, we serve with one another. While each one of us of have our our own interests or gifts we are not allowed to just do what we want with no accountability - we belong to each other and are accountable to each other. We shouldn’t dread this accountability, we should welcome it. Why? Because we all need help and aid. We were not build to do it on our own.
Let’s do this together :)