Well, one place God showed up during this time is Bethlehem, the homeland of Ruth. She returned there from Moab (where she had lived with her husband and kids). There it says that God was blessing His people by providing food for them as they were coming out of a drought and there had been no food (one of the reasons Naomi and Elimeleh had moved to Moab). Food was on the upswing . . . a perfect time for them to return to Bethlehem. IN fact, the Bible says that they returned right at the beginning of the barley harvest.
It may seem like a little thing, but it’s not. Despite the pain of Ruth and Naomi, God was doing the best, despite sin and Satan, to provide for them on their return. God didn’t kill their relatives and He didn’t revel in their deaths. He was as pained as Ruth and Naomi was. He loved them and wanted to take care of them – hence the preparation for provision before they knew they even needed it. It’s a setup for verses like Romans 8:28 – that God works all things for good for those who love Him.
Life isn’t perfect, but God provides despite the pain we may live through or even cause ourselves. We can trust that God is going to provide, just like he did for Ruth and Naomi.