Romans 8:38-39 NIV
Paul knew something about things that stand in your way. At many turns in his ministry he was faced with powers and authorities. These powers and authorities attempted to stop him from spreading the Gospel and telling the truth about who Jesus Christ was. Paul was arrested multiple times, beaten, and jailed - all for teaching the Gospel of Christ. Through all of this, Paul became tough and wise. He learned the valuable lesson that he is trying to communicate here in Romans 8: nothing, not prison, arrest, beatings, etc. can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Yes, life would get tough. Nothing, though, was too tough that it would nullify God’s love for us in Christ.
Most of us do not have life experiences like Paul. We haven’t been beaten, imprisoned, etc. for our faith (or for anything else for that matter!), but there are things that can weigh on us. This weight can make us feel like we are separated from God - or make us feel far from God. The good news is that feeling is not fact! According to Paul, nothing separates us the love that God has for us in Christ.
So I know how some of you feel today: tired, discouraged, depressed, busy, overwhelmed - and the list goes on. Through all of this you feel far away from the love of God. Be encouraged today - feeling is not fact! God holds you closer than you can imagine. He’s a good, good Father who loves us. Take a second, take a deep breath, and remember that nothing can separate you from Him!