basis, “If I only saw God or heard directly from Him, I would
believe in Him. If only an angel or something holy presented
itself, I would be convinced.” Not a surprise – some days I feel
like this too . . . Today I was reading Judges 6 and the story of
Gideon. This is one of my favorite stories (and a favorite of my
daughter’s, mostly because of VeggieTales . Israelites are being
ruled by the Midianites because of their disobedience to God. God
wants to deliver them and decides to use Gideon to do it. God
delivers this message through an “angel of the Lord.” Wow – exactly
what most people would want just happened, God showed up in a
material and tangible way for Gideon. That should be enough right?
Well, apparently not. Gideon wants proof – from an angel no less.
Long story short is that Gideon gets his proof and follows through
on Gods plan for Him. Wasn’t a visit from an angel a good enough
sign? Jesus warns in Matthew 12 that the signs that have been given
should and are enough. In particular He is speaking of the sign of
Jonah, his story. What you need you already have Jesus says – more
will do you no good. Further, it wasn’t just past signs. It was the
sign in their presence that was so great – Elohim enfleshed. That
they could not see that sign was the greatest sign of their
spiritual blindness and eventual death. And also ours . . . The
reality is that those who today “look for signs” or “just want
Jesus to show up” are perhaps doomed to be unfulfilled. The reality
is that God has shown up and is relentlessly active. Christ is
present in the church, in the Word, and in the power and work of
the Holy Spirit. Old signs will do – but the presence of “God With
Us” is all we need.
Stop looking.
Start obeying.