'The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.' - Psalm 14:1
We live in a culture that hotly debates the claim that God is real. There can be a wholesale rejection of God based merely on human reason. The argument goes something like this: “God can’t be real as I don’t experience Him in my life. Also, God is not provable by scientific means so therefore He isn’t real.” These claims are in and of themselves not based in truth. There are a lot of things that we don’t necessarily experience that are real. There are also things that are not provable by scientific means that are truth - right? Take love for example. There are times that we do not experience love in our lives, but we know that it is true. Trust is another example. Sometimes people break trust in our lives. Nevertheless we believe that trust exists. Further, there are things we cannot prove through scientific means; some things we can, but some things we cannot. We may have hypotheses, but these hypotheses are not scientific proof. Even science has room for error.
Faith isn’t a fool’s errand. Faith and hope/belief in something bigger is embedded in who we are as people. In fact, I would go as far as to say even science and faith can coexist together, complementing one another.
Don’t believe the hype - God and faith are real. Don’t be a fool and buy into the false narrative. Be ready and willing to confess the truth you know in your life to others - that God is real in Jesus Christ.