I have been thinking lately about the upside of rejection. When one is rejected by someone they are immediately accepted into another situation or reality. Our realization of this acceptance is the key to overcoming the sadness of rejection in another reality. The word I currently using is "embrace." I mean this in two ways. First, we embrace our current acceptance and reality. Whether it is a job, friendships, etc. we need to embrace them. Embracing your reality means not just accepting it, but nurturing it and excelling in it. Second, we must allow the reality to embrace us. There is much love and acceptance in this current reality. We must accept this love and live in the presence of it.
The truth is that we are never displaced. We always have a place. This place is always one of significance. I think it is really a matter of perspective. This is to cliche, but just an acceptance of what is most healthy for us.