Yesterday I decided to do something different - I ran my course in reverse. I found myself running with more power and even distracted (in a good way) while I ran. It was the same course, same mileage, but a vastly different feeling. As I ran I looked at all the terrain and surroundings in a different light. Houses that I passed looked different as I saw them from a different angle. I am happy to say that I actually enjoyed the run!
There are some parallels here in our daily spiritual life. So many of us approach our relationship with God the same way, every day. It shouldn't be a surprise that after a while it all gets stale and boring and we feel disconnected from God. Often it just takes a change of pace, speed, or method that can wake us up to what God is doing in our lives. What can you do? 1. Get a new Bible or book to read and do your devotional; 2. Spend a week praying not for yourself, but for someone else; 3. Incorporate some music to your Bible study - music often opens up thoughts about God that we wouldn't ordinarily have; 4. Change up the time you read your Bible and pray - move from nighttime to morning or lunchtime.
Your responsible for your relationship with God - change it up to maximize your devotional life!